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[Special Effectsopencvyuanma

Description: opencv实例源代码,对于opencv初学者帮助很大,这是opencv编程基础书的源码-opencv examples of source code, very helpful for beginners opencv, which is based on the book Programming opencv source code
Platform: | Size: 9320448 | Author: 雷坤 | Hits:

[Special EffectsOpencv-source-code

Description: 《OpenCV教程:基础篇》这本书附带的源码,作者为:刘瑞祯,于仕琪等。-source code for a book about opencv
Platform: | Size: 2939904 | Author: Melody | Hits:

[Special EffectsProgrammingcomputervisionapplications

Description: Learning OpenCV: Computer Vision with the OpenCV Library -Learning OpenCV puts you right in the middle of the rapidly expanding field of computer vision. Written by the creators of OpenCV, the widely used free open-source library, this book introduces you to computer vision and demonstrates how you can quickly build applications that enable computers to "see" and make decisions based on the data. Computer vision is everywhere-- in security systems, manufacturing inspection systems, medical image analysis, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, and more. It helps robot cars drive by themselves, stitches Google maps and Google Earth together, checks the pixels on your laptop s LCD screen, and makes sure the stitches in your shirt are OK. OpenCV provides an easy-to-use computer vision infrastructure along with a comprehensive library containing more than 500 functions that can run vision code in real time. With Learning OpenCV, any developer or hobbyist can get up and running with the framework quickly, whether it s to build simple or sophisticated vision a
Platform: | Size: 713728 | Author: 冬冬 | Hits:

[Windows Developguangpan-OpenCV

Description: 基于openCV的计算机视觉技术这本书的全部源码,包括很多内容-Based on computer vision technology openCV this book all the source code, including a lot of content
Platform: | Size: 14232576 | Author: wangtao | Hits:

[Special EffectsOpenCV

Description: 基于OpenCV的计算机视觉技术实现一书的源代码,学习OpenCV图像处理的好资料-OpenCV for computer vision-based technology of the book' s source code, learning good information on OpenCV image processing
Platform: | Size: 17447936 | Author: 锦瑟 | Hits:


Description: Opencv是一本关于用VC++做图像处理的书籍,现在中文版也已上市,有兴趣的可以看看,OPenCV集合了500多个关于图像处理的函数,并有相关的源码可供查看-Opencv is a book about using VC++ to do image processing of books, and now the Chinese version also available, anyone interested can see, OPenCV brought together more than 500 on the image processing functions, and any related source code available for viewing
Platform: | Size: 95232 | Author: 王路佳 | Hits:

[Special EffectsopenCV

Description: openCV基础教程 书上的源代码是用C++实现的 上传过来希望对大家有所帮助,这是一本书上的源代码,书没有下到-openCV the basis of the source code tutorial book is C++ implementation of the upload you want to come help, this is a book on the source code, the book is not down to the
Platform: | Size: 9718784 | Author: jerryzhan | Hits:

[Special EffectsLearningOpenCV_Code

Description: 《学习OpenCV》书中例程源代码,对学习opencv很有用-book routine source code of <<Learning OpenCV>>,very useful for learning opencv
Platform: | Size: 20964352 | Author: pobenliu | Hits:


Description: 此为书籍——《学习Opencv》的源代码,可以帮助你更好的学习计算机视觉这门新兴的科学。-This is the book- 《Learning Opencv》 source code, can help you better learning of computer vision with this emerging science.
Platform: | Size: 22076416 | Author: 彭瑞 | Hits:


Description: 本程序是openCV教程——基础班中所有的实例源代码,配合书本学习,有助于更好更快的学习openCV -This program is openCV tutorial- Basic source code for all instances, with book-learning, to help better and faster learning openCV
Platform: | Size: 3617792 | Author: 马学云 | Hits:


Description: Learning OpenCV一书的源码,其中包括各章节的程序,希望对学习OpenCV的同学有所帮助-Learning OpenCV book source code, including all sections of the program, I hope to help students in learning OpenCV
Platform: | Size: 23873536 | Author: 陶涛 | Hits:

[source in ebookopencv

Description: opencv教程的源代码,包括了书中所有例程的源代码。给过了吧!-opencv tutorial source code, including the source code of the routine of the book. After it!
Platform: | Size: 3653632 | Author: 刘海波 | Hits:


Description: "学习openCV"该书的源代码,用的时候请参照“学习openCV”该书-Book " Learning openCV" source code, with reference to the " Learning openCV" book
Platform: | Size: 21215232 | Author: bqc | Hits:


Description: Opencv教程的实例源代码 书中的C/C++语言实例。各实例子目录中的*.dsw和*.dsp文件分别为Windows下Visual C++ 6.0的Workspace文件和Project文件;Makefile是Linux下GNU Make的输入文件。在Windows环境下,双击*.dsw文件将会启动Visual C++ 6.0并装载该实例;在Linux环境下,输入make命令就可以编译该实例。-Opencv tutorial source code examples in the book of C/C++ language examples. .. Each instance subdirectory* dsw and* dsp files are under Visual C++ 6.0 for Windows File and Project Workspace file Makefile Linux is GNU Make the input file. In the Windows environment, double* dsw file will start the Visual C++ 6.0 and load the instance in the Linux environment, enter the make command to compile the examples.
Platform: | Size: 4875264 | Author: yangxiaohua | Hits:


Description: 《学习opencv》中文版的随书源码 帮助您尽快上手opencv-This is the source code along with the book《Learning opencv》,to help you grasp it
Platform: | Size: 21236736 | Author: 四叶草 | Hits:

[source in ebookMastering-OpenCV-book

Description: Mastering OpenCV with Practical Computer Vision Projects 电子版书籍,源码。非常好的OpenCV实践书籍。-Mastering OpenCV with Practical Computer Vision Projects electronic version of the book, the source code. Very good OpenCV practice books.
Platform: | Size: 7052288 | Author: | Hits:


Description: opencv 随书源代码,简单处理图片程序案例,熟悉opencv很有帮助的-Opencv with the book source code, simple image processing program case, familiar with OpenCV very helpful
Platform: | Size: 3540992 | Author: daodao | Hits:

[source in ebookOpenCV3--source-code

Description: 毛星云著《OpenCV3编程入门》一书所有源代码,包括Opencv 2和Opencv 3-All the source code of the book—— OpenCV3 programming entry written by Mao Xingyun, including Opencv 2 and Opencv 3
Platform: | Size: 87184384 | Author: 肖光润 | Hits:


Description: 学习OpenCV(中文版)随书源码,Opencv 很好的学习资料(Learning OpenCV (Chinese version) with the book source code, Opencv good learning materials)
Platform: | Size: 21215232 | Author: jiangquan.liu | Hits:


Description: 《OpenCV3编程入门》书本配套源代码。("OpenCV3 Programming Getting Started" book source code.)
Platform: | Size: 25459712 | Author: cherry影 | Hits:
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